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You’ve been making connections with your family and your past. Tell us how.

What was the spark that first shined a light on your family history? Was it a record you found in our collections? Did you uncover a missing branch of your family tree and feel a need to learn more? Tell us how Ancestry® has been a part of your journey, and your story could be chosen to be featured in an upcoming marketing campaign or a post on our social media channels.

1. Make a short video.

Not sure what to say or how to say it? Here are a few thought starters:

  • What did you discover on Ancestry®? (Be sure to mention records, family trees, DNA matches, or other connections.)
  • How are you preserving your family story?
  • How does Ancestry help you represent who you are?

Featured Member
See how Ancestry® member Breanna Coffey told their story.

• Keep it short - 2 minutes or less

• Use landscape (horizontal) if possible

• Center yourself in the camera shot

• Speak clearly, succinctly, and naturally

• Keep background noise to a minimum

• Don't add music or video effects - just tell us your story!


2. Send us your video.

Submit your video file to us along with a few more details about yourself so we can reach out to you about your video.

• Please change the file name to include your first and last name

• To upload your file, click "Choose File" and select to either take the video with your camera, or select a video from your "Gallery" or "Library"

• If you accidentally choose the wrong video just click "Choose File" again and select the correct one

*Please note, uploads are limited to files that are 125MB and smaller

Drag 'n' drop or click to select file
